Sunday, November 28, 2010

House Skavis and the DTES

The Downtown Eastside, poorest postal code in Canada, home to more drug addicts and prostitutes than there are moose in the Northwest Territories. Stretching along Hastings St. from Gore to Cambie, the DTES is a wallowing toilet of lives spiralling downward into despair.

Which is just how House Skavis wants things. Skavis is the family in the White Court that feeds on the emotion of hopelessness. Led by their patriarch, Victor, House Skavis has engineered the DTES into the perfect feeding ground. Nothing gets better, the sweet taste of despair is thick in the air, and if some Skavis should feed too hard, everyone assumes the victim just died of a drug overdose.

Victor took power from his father, Archturis in the 70s, and has forged his fiefdom into one of the strongest and most stable in Vancouver. His extended family in the city is estimated at about 15 vampires, which for a normal city of 600,000 would be extremely high, but the DTES can support them with no problem. This veritable army has helped cement Victor into a position of great authority, and he, along with 3-4 other major players, pretty much sets the policy for our community in the city.

As you would expect, House Skavis has their arms (fangs?) in the drug trade, as well as owning at least half of the police force and city council. His son, Alexander, runs the Portland Hotel Society, while his daughter Anastasia oversees the needle clinic.

The entire Skavis clan lives in the brand new Woodward building, overseeing their domain. Some outside have questioned why they allow the rapid gentrification of the area, but make no mistake, it is a win-win for the vampires. First, the despair of the poor will increase as they are edged out...but soon enough, it will be the despair of the condo owners as they too fall prey to the DTES.

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